Aletta Rozsnyai-Kovács (F)

Personal Bests

Equip Squat Bench Deadlift Total GLP
Classic 386.9 276.6 402.3 1065.9 102.05

Competition Results

Place Fed Date Location Competition Division Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total GLP
1 Hunpower 2024-10-26 Hungary Sub-Junior Junior and Masters Powerlifting National Championships and Team Championships Team 25 Classic 152 149.7 386.9 276.6 402.3 1065.9 101.08
12 IPF 2024-06-15 Lithuania World Classic Powerlifting Championships Open 25 Classic 152 148.9 -352.7 352.7 369.2 -253.5 253.5 264.5 358.2 380.3 -402.3 1014.1 96.45
9 EPF 2024-03-12 Croatia European Open Classic Powerlifting Championships Open 25 Classic 152 148.8 352.7 374.8 -385.8 253.5 264.5 270 358.2 380.3 -396.8 1025.1 97.53
1 Hunpower 2023-10-28 Hungary Hungarian National Team Classic Powerlifting Championships Team 24 Classic 152 151.2 341.7 249.1 358.2 949.1 89.48
1 Hunpower 2022-11-12 Hungary Hungarian National Sub-Junior Junior Masters and Team Classic Powerlifting Championships Team 23 Classic 152 151.9 264.5 248 352.7 865.3 81.38
1 Hunpower 2022-03-26 Hungary Women's Hungarian National Classic Powerlifting Championships Open 23 Classic 138 138.6 341.7 259 380.3 981 97.46
2 EPF 2021-12-03 Sweden European Classic Powerlifting Championships Juniors 22 Classic 138 138.2 330.7 352.7 369.2 253.5 264.5 369.2 391.3 -418.8 1025.1 102.05
4 IPF 2021-09-23 Sweden World Classic Powerlifting Championships Juniors 22 Classic 138 138.1 319.6 341.7 358.2 242.5 253.5 264.5 363.7 396.8 -407.8 1019.6 101.54
1 Hunpower 2021-05-29 Hungary Women's Hungarian National Classic Powerlifting Championships Juniors 22 Classic 138 137.8 337.3 231.5 352.7 921.5 91.92
1 Hunpower 2021-05-29 Hungary Women's Hungarian National Classic Powerlifting Championships Open 22 Classic 138 137.8 337.3 231.5 352.7 921.5 91.92
1 Hunpower 2021-05-29 Hungary Women's Hungarian National Classic Powerlifting Championships Team 22 Classic 138 137.8 337.3 231.5 352.7 921.5 91.92
5 EPF 2019-11-29 Lithuania European Classic Powerlifting Championships Juniors 20 Classic 138 136.8 286.6 308.6 319.6 209.4 214.9 225.9 341.7 363.7 380.3 925.9 92.80
1 EPF 2019-09-07 Ukraine Danube Powerlifting Cup Open 20 Classic 158 144.7 264.5 286.6 303.1 187.4 209.4 214.9 319.6 347.2 358.2 876.3 84.77
2 Hunpower 2019-06-22 Hungary Hungarian Raw National Championship Open 20 Classic 158 147.5 308.6 209.4 352.7 870.8 83.29
1 Hunpower 2018-10-06 Hungary Raw Hungarian Team Powerlifting Championships Juniors 19 Classic 158 154.3 270 171.9 330.7 772.7 72.04
3 Hunpower 2018-04-27 Hungary Hungarian National Raw Championships Open 19 Classic 138 132.8 248 154.3 303.1 705.4 72.13